About The Country

Athens (Athina) has a Mediterranean climate with dry hot summers and mild winters. The area within 40 km of this station is covered by oceans and seas (56%), croplands (35%), shrublands (5%), and built-up areas (3%).


The month of July is characterized by gradually rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs around 32°C (71.6 °F) throughout the month, exceeding 35°C (95 °F) or dropping below 28°C (82.4 °F) only one day in ten. Daily low temperatures are around 22°C (89.6 °F), falling below 18°C (64.4 °F) or exceeding 25°C (77 °F) only one day in ten.


Throughout July, the length of the day is gradually decreasing. The shortest day of the month is July 31 with 14:07 hours of daylight; the longest day is July 1 with 14:45 hours of daylight. The earliest sunrise is at 6:05 am on July 1; the latest sunset is at 8:51 pm on July 1; the latest sunrise is at 6:27 am on July 31; the earliest sunset is at 8:34 on July 31.


The probability that precipitation will be observed at this location varies throughout the month. Precipitation is most likely around July 1, occurring in 9% of days. Precipitation is least likely around July 30, occurring in 3% of days. Throughout July, the most common forms of precipitation are thunderstorms and light rain. Thunderstorms are the most severe precipitation observed during 66% of those days with precipitation. They are most likely around July 1, when it is observed during 4% of all days. Light rain is the most severe precipitation observed during 28% of those days with precipitation. It is most likely around July 1, when it is observed during 4% of all days.


The relative humidity typically ranges from 28% (dry) to 67% (mildly humid) over the course of a typical July, rarely dropping below 20% (dry), or exceeding 83% (humid).

The air is driest around July 18, at which time the relative humidity drops below 31% (comfortable) three days out of four; it is most humid around July 1, rising above 58% (mildly humid) three days out of four.
